Galapagos islands
A place for SCIENCE
April 23rd, 2023
Conference proceedings will be published in a supplement number of Acta Microscopica. The participant has the possibility to submit a full paper to be evaluated by a blind peer-review process. In case of being accepted as a full paper or abstract both of them will be published in a special issue of Acta Microscopica.
* Acta Microscopica is Indexed in Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIe), Latindex, Current Contents funded in 1992.
More information, clic here:
Welcome to NSSY2023
On behalf of The School of Physical Sciences and Nanotechnology at Yachay Tech University in cooperation with the Governing Council of Galapagos, we invite you to join us at the third edition of the Nanoscience Summer School @ Yachay Tech 2023 (NSSY 2023).
The summer school will be held from the 23rd of April until the 29th of April 2023 at Puerto Ayora, in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. The NSSY 2023 will hold plenary sessions by top international scientists, invited talks from leading researchers in the field, and contributed talks chosen from the best-submitted abstracts. We will also feature a two-day poster sesion, which is a main focus for the program.

In this international edition of NSSY, we anticipate the participation of 120 delegates between speakers, keynotes, professor, researches and Ph.D. and Undergrad Students in an informal atmosphere where they can openly discuss, exchange ideas and results about their latest work in different topics of nanotechnology from both, theoretical and experimental points of views.
Join us at the enchanted venue of the Galapagos archipelago for the NSSY 2023 which is a must-attend for anyone interested in learning about different topics of nanotechnology, their applications, and the most recent discoveries of the field.
See you at the Galapagos islands!
Gema González, PhD
Dean of the School of Physical Sciences and Nanotechnology at Yachay Tech University
Polymer and Bio-Nanoscience
Theory and Simulations in Nanoscience
Synthesis of Nanomaterials
Molecular modeling of Nanostructures
Characterization of Nanostructures

Eduard Llobet Valero, PhD.
Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria - Tarragona, Spain

Vincent Meunier, PhD.
Penn State University - USA

Paola Ayala, PhD.
University of Vienna - Austria

Denis Kochan, PhD.
University of Regensburg - Germany
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia

Carlos Sabater, PhD.
University of Alicante - Spain

Vladimiro Mujica, PhD.
Arizona State University -

Vito Despoja, PhD.
Institute of Physics Zagreb - Croatia