During October 2017 the first Summer School was held at Yachay Tech, in Urcuquí-Ecuador. It constituted a catalyst to inspire the development of science and knowledge in Ecuador presenting state of the art research in Density Functional Theory, Graphene spectroscopy and applications, Tunneling Microscopy, Nanoparticles synthesis, Cellular Automata, High-Performance Computing, and Monte-Carlo methods.
In 2018 the second edition of the NSSY joint forces again with more than 6 countries in a fruitful meeting to share groundbreaking knowledge in nanotechnology. Research talks took place including topics on neural networks, nanotoxicity modeling, Spectroscopic techniques, 2D materials, electrocatalysis, magnetic nanocomposites, Parallelization, DFT computing and Molecular dynamics techniques. There was a notable participation of Yachay Tech’s students and professors, Ecuadorian invited speakers plus a strong international participation from Spain, Canada, Poland, Austria, Czech Republic, and France.
In 2019, the first international edition of the Nanoscience Summer School organized by Yachay Tech took place in the Galapagos islands from the 26 of May until the 1st of June. For the first time, a conference in Nanotechnology reached one of the first living laboratories in the world. International renowned scientists in their field merged with young studets in an authentic preserved natural environment. We had evolved in science at the nano scale around a collaborative atmosphere of knowledge in Darwins's living laboratory.

NSSY 2019 @Galapagos edition
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NSSY 2017@YachayTech

NSSY 2018@YachayTech

NSSY 2019@Galapagos
The first Nanoscience Summer School at Yachay Tech was held from the 31 of August to the 5 of September 2017. More than 70 participants including international and national speakers took place.
The second edition of the Nanoscience Summer School at Yachay occurred from July 30th to August the 3rd, 2018. Participants from more than 6 countries met at Yachay Tech University to share groundbreaking knowledge in nanotechnology.
In 2019 the first international edition of the Nanoscience Summer School took place in the Galapagos islands. We had 100 participants all around the globe. A strong participation was reached from young researchers, undergraduate students and Expert professors in the Nanotechnology field.